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Check Out


Before you leave, we would kindly ask you to empty the dishwasher, leave the dishes clean and dispose of waste in the waste containers on the park.


Check-out on the day of departure is possible until 10.00 am. You may put the key of the rented bungalow and/or boat key with boat folder in the mailbox at the guest service, if someone is present, you may also hand in the key here.

Points of interest on departure:


- Leave the bungalow swept clean

- Place all used glassware, crockery, cutlery and kitchen inventory cleanly back in the designated cupboard spaces.

- Clear out the dishwasher and make sure the (combi) microwave, oven and BBQ are also clean.

- Leave rented kitchen and/or bed linen (in pillowcases) in the hall. Do not take off moles.

- Empty and clean refrigerator and leave on setting 1.

- Deposit rubbish in the designated containers (at barrier).

- Set heating low to 15 degrees.

- Lock doors and windows.

- Turn off television completely.

- Leaving the vessel clean, damage-free and with full fuel tank.


If the above points are not carried out (correctly), we may decide to charge an additional amount.