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House Rules

To make your stay and that of the other guests as pleasant as possible, we have laid down a number of house rules in the Park Regulations. We kindly ask you to comply with these and follow the instructions of the staff during your stay. In case of violation of the Park Regulations and/or not following the instructions of the staff, Summio Vakantiepark It Wiid has the right to remove you and any visitors immediately from the park. In this case, you lose the right to a refund of the deposit and/or rent or part thereof.


We check bungalows before arrival to make sure

making sure you can holiday in a clean and good home. We

will do everything possible to make your stay as pleasant as possible

expired. Nevertheless, you may not be satisfied with something.

Please report this to guest services immediately after observation, so that

we can take action.

Nature & Environment

- Walk only on the paths that have been laid out and do not walk through the (grass) gardens.
- To protect nature, we separate waste at our park. You can help us. At the barrier, at the entrance to the park, you will find a compactor for household waste, paper containers and glass containers. Please do not place waste on your terrace or along the road.


- Stick to the maximum speed limit on the park.
- Making open fires is prohibited.

Sound equipment

The use of sound equipment, such as music boxes, is allowed in the accommodation. The noise level must not be audible to other guests in the park.


In the park, sleep must be respected between 22:00 and 08:00. We expect our guests to respect this and not to disturb others with music or other noise. Between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., the outdoor spa may not be used.

Alcohol & Narcotics

Consumption of alcohol is allowed in the residence and at the catering facilities in the park. Guests outside the catering facilities or residence who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs will be immediately removed from the park. The use of narcotics and drugs is strictly prohibited.


Pets are welcome at Summio Holiday Park It Wiid.


A welcome gift for your pet will be waiting for you in the accommodation. There are also extra facilities available such as a food bowl. Want to go swimming with your dog? Then you can borrow a dog swimming jacket from reception.


If you receive visitors, they are the responsibility of the tenant of the accommodation. Visitors can use the general parking spaces. Visitors staying overnight must be registered via the guest service. No more persons may stay overnight in the accommodation than the number of persons for whom the accommodation is intended.


You can park your car for free at your accommodation or at the general parking spaces on the holiday park. You may park a maximum of one car per accommodation in the designated car park.

Use of accommodation

- Treat your accommodation with care.
- It is not allowed to pitch tents near the accommodation.

Points of interest on departure:

- Leave the bungalow swept clean

- Place all used glassware, crockery, cutlery and kitchen inventory cleanly back in the designated cupboard spaces.

- Clear out the dishwasher and make sure the (combi) microwave, oven and BBQ are also clean.

- Leave rented kitchen and/or bed linen (in pillowcases) in the hall. Do not take off moles.

- Empty and clean refrigerator and leave on setting 1.

- Deposit rubbish in the designated containers (at barrier).

- Set heating low to 15 degrees.

- Lock doors and windows.

- Turn off television completely.

- Leaving the vessel clean, damage-free and with full fuel tank.


If the above points are not carried out (correctly), we may decide to charge an additional amount.